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Выпуск Bugaboo Bee снят с производства

Bugaboo Bee was a popular stroller model known for its compact size and maneuverability. However, the company has recently announced that they will be discontinuing the Bugaboo Bee 6 model. This news has been met with disappointment from parents who were considering purchasing the stroller or upgrading their current one.

But the good news is that Bugaboo Bee 6 production will continue in the UK. This means that parents in the UK can still purchase the stroller, and those who already own one can still receive customer support.

Aside from the news of its discontinuation, many parents have also been wondering which car seats are compatible with the Bugaboo Bee. According to the manufacturer, the stroller can be used with car seats such as the Turtle by Nuna, Maxi-Cosi 0+, and Cybex 0+.

Another important aspect that parents consider when purchasing a stroller is its weight. The Bugaboo Bee 6 stroller has a chassis weight of 7.4 kg and a carrycot weight of 4.5 kg, making it a great option for city residents who are looking for a lightweight and maneuverable stroller.

Here are some additional helpful tips for those who currently own or are considering purchasing a Bugaboo Bee:

  • Although the Bugaboo Bee 6 is being discontinued, the company has stated that they will continue to provide customer service and spare parts for the stroller. This means that even if something goes wrong with your stroller, you can still get help fixing it.
  • When using the stroller with a car seat, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Improper installation can be dangerous for your child.
  • Keep in mind that even though the stroller is lightweight, its small wheels may have difficulty on rough terrain. It's best suited for smooth pavement and indoor use.

In conclusion, the discontinuation of the Bugaboo Bee 6 stroller may be disappointing for some parents, but the good news is that it's still available for purchase in the UK. When using the stroller, it's important to follow safety guidelines carefully and consider its limitations based on its weight and wheel size. And, even if something does go wrong with the stroller, the company will still provide support and spare parts.
